Monday, April 15, 2013


Ok So I'm going to start posting some tips and pointers for "gym-goers".

Tip o' the day: Be flexible!!!! I ain't talkin yoga here...

...although, those flexible chicks are impressive....

Let me give you the story. I get to the gym. LEG DAY! My favorite.

 I start with a light warm-up on the treadmill. Twenty-two minutes later I look around and notice that the machine I usually do first is occupied. No biggie. I looked to the machine I usually use second, weights still loaded... not technically being used, but I don't want to be "that girl". So I look around again, and the machine I use third is ALSO being used. Again, NO BIGGIE!!! Fortunately, the smith machine is open which is where I super-set low squats with jump squats. Killers, let me tell you. I begin with my first set of 20 below parallel squats. Finish those. Start on my jump squats and some "lady" walks up and stops me while I'm jumping... strike one...

"Can I use this?"
I look at her befuddled...
She continues saying how I won't be in her way and how she uses the SMITH MACHINE for PUSH-UPS and PULL-UPS because she needs the stabilization....
Oh so glad to know I won't be in your almighty way...SMITH MACHINE? PULLS-UPS? PUSH-UPS? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!

I try to clarify, "The smith machine?"... like the thing I was just using not even 2 minutes ago...
"Yes, you're not using it right?"
 ..."Ummm. Yes, I'm super-setting squats with jumps."
"Oh"... along with a highly inconvenienced look.

Well, I finished. One of the guys came up and asked if I was finished. Being polite, I told him I was, but that another lady had wanted it. So I go find "said lady" and let her know I was finished and asked if she still needed it because someone else was wanting it...

"Well see, I do a 4 day cycle. I use the smith machine first. So since I couldn't do it, I'm just going to have to tack it on to another day..."

That is where I smiled and walked away.

People... every muscle in your body can be worked in more ways than one. Yes, I totally get that you have a system and it works. However, there will be bumps in the road and you have to learn to adapt. This is not just your world, stop acting like a damn princess.

In conclusion. Always have a back up plan. Always have alternatives to training. Trust me, I have the biggest phobia of change. I like things the same every day. No surprises. I get it. However, we all know life is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're gonna get. So always be prepared for change. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So, BE FLEXIBLE. and have a back up in case plan A falls through or doesn't work out for you. That's it for my rant today.

Happy Trails... or whatever.

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